
Essa Semana Na NASA – Destaque Para a Previsão do Clima Espacial Com a Sonda STEREO (Vídeo)

New processing techniques used on data gathered by NASA’s STEREO spacecraft will allow scientists to better track solar storms before they impact Earth. The storms called Coronal Mass Ejections, or CMEs are observed from NASA’s twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, spacecraft launched in 2006. The data can now reveal a clear and detailed look at a storm’s front from the sun all the way to Earth, thus reducing uncertainty of its arrival time. Plus, Curiosity’s arm; NASA in NY; Stennis visitors; SF summit; Shuttle program celebrated; environmental stewardship; and, Apollo 13 astro honored. Also, birds of a feather; “Box” rocks Cleveland.

Sérgio Sacani

Formado em geofísica pelo IAG da USP, mestre em engenharia do petróleo pela UNICAMP e doutor em geociências pela UNICAMP. Sérgio está à frente do Space Today, o maior canal de notícias sobre astronomia do Brasil.

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