
Galeria de Imagens do Eclipse Total da Lua de 27 de Setembro de 2015 – Parte II

There Will Be Blood By Aaron J. Groen https://500px.com/photo/123340369/ — with Maria Concepcion, Valentine Oduenyi, Maria Clas, Padma Ubera and Chae Bae. - Milky way scientists
There Will Be Blood
By Aaron J. Groen
https://500px.com/photo/123340369/ — with Maria Concepcion, Valentine Oduenyi, Maria Clas, Padma Ubera and Chae Bae. – Milky way scientists
Lunar Eclipse sequence from 9/27/15. -  Elliot Severn
Lunar Eclipse sequence from 9/27/15. – Elliot Severn
Lunar Eclipse This is a composite image, the foreground was shot at 14MM and the Moon was shot with 400mm. This image was captured at Nubble light house on Sep 27th from 8PM EST to 12:45Am. -  Sashikanth Chintla Photography
Lunar Eclipse
This is a composite image, the foreground was shot at 14MM and the Moon was shot with 400mm. This image was captured at Nubble light house on Sep 27th from 8PM EST to 12:45Am. – Sashikanth Chintla Photography
Bonus EPOD Kiran Chakravarti sent this image taken 09/28/2015 from Hertfordshire, United Kingdom He writes: "The Eclipse of the Supermoon was a spectacular sight above the skies of Hertfordshire. I was amazed at how dark the Moon went during totality. I decided to do a composite of the eclipse as it makes the progression of the Earth's shadow across the lunar disk more visible."
Bonus EPOD
Kiran Chakravarti sent this image taken 09/28/2015 from Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
He writes: “The Eclipse of the Supermoon was a spectacular sight above the skies of Hertfordshire. I was amazed at how dark the Moon went during totality. I decided to do a composite of the eclipse as it makes the progression of the Earth’s shadow across the lunar disk more visible.”
As fotos foram feitas debaixo de relâmpagos e em brechas entre nuvens. Cenário inesquecível  - Meire Ruiz
As fotos foram feitas debaixo de relâmpagos e em brechas entre nuvens.
Cenário inesquecível – Meire Ruiz
Un petit montage pour clore en beauté la série "éclipse de Lune" ; belle journée à tous smile emoticon http://blogs.futura-sciences.com/feldmann/ -  Jean-Baptiste Feldmann.
Un petit montage pour clore en beauté la série “éclipse de Lune” ; belle journée à tous smile emoticon
http://blogs.futura-sciences.com/feldmann/ – Jean-Baptiste Feldmann.
Super Blood Moon Eclipse  By Mike Taylor Central Maine, USA  -  Clouds and SKY Variations
Super Blood Moon Eclipse
By Mike Taylor
Central Maine, USA – Clouds and SKY Variations
Total Lunar Eclipse composite Sunday night from Dallas, Texas. — with Mosxova Maria and Maria Mosxova.
Total Lunar Eclipse composite Sunday night from Dallas, Texas. — with Mosxova Maria and Maria Mosxova.
Fazy przebiegu ca?kowitego za?mienia Ksi??yca z dzisiejszej nocy w godzinach od 2:55 do 5:20. Nikon 5300, Tamron 150-[600]. Czasy na?wietlania, czu?o?? ISO, ró?ne dla poszczególnych uj??. Pierwsze z fazy cz??ciowej wykonywane co oko?o 5 minut. #totallunareclipse #za?mienie #eclipse
Fazy przebiegu ca?kowitego za?mienia Ksi??yca z dzisiejszej nocy w godzinach od 2:55 do 5:20. Nikon 5300, Tamron 150-[600]. Czasy na?wietlania, czu?o?? ISO, ró?ne dla poszczególnych uj??. Pierwsze z fazy cz??ciowej wykonywane co oko?o 5 minut.
#totallunareclipse #za?mienie #eclipse
Against my better judgement considering the time & busy weekend, couldn't resist periodically hanging out my bedroom window with my Canon last night. Hand-held so definitely not my best work, but for the record... - Lynn van Rooijen
Against my better judgement considering the time & busy weekend, couldn’t resist periodically hanging out my bedroom window with my Canon last night. Hand-held so definitely not my best work, but for the record… – Lynn van Rooijen
Eclipse total da Lua 28-09-2015 - Vitor Carvalho
Eclipse total da Lua 28-09-2015 – Vitor Carvalho
O Eclipse de ontem, visto de Diamantina, MG. - Eduardo Oliveira
O Eclipse de ontem, visto de Diamantina, MG. – Eduardo Oliveira
Greetings from dallas tx friend ... - Francisco Sierra?
Greetings from dallas tx friend … – Francisco Sierra?



Sérgio Sacani

Formado em geofísica pelo IAG da USP, mestre em engenharia do petróleo pela UNICAMP e doutor em geociências pela UNICAMP. Sérgio está à frente do Space Today, o maior canal de notícias sobre astronomia do Brasil.

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