
E Se Toda a Água da Terra Fosse Colocada Em Uma Esfera?

This picture shows the size of a sphere that would contain all of Earth’s water in comparison to the size of the Earth. The blue sphere sitting on the United States, reaching from about Salt Lake City, Utah to Topeka, Kansas, has a diameter of about 860 miles (about 1,385 kilometers) , with a volume of about 332,500,000 cubic miles (1,386,000,000 cubic kilometers). The sphere includes all the water in the oceans, seas, ice caps, lakes and rivers as well as groundwater, atmospheric water, and even the water in you, your dog, and your tomato plant.



Sérgio Sacani

Formado em geofísica pelo IAG da USP, mestre em engenharia do petróleo pela UNICAMP e doutor em geociências pela UNICAMP. Sérgio está à frente do Space Today, o maior canal de notícias sobre astronomia do Brasil.

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